(Shunro Dozono /
http://www.cba-japan.com )
(1)You can download 'decorate.php' from
http://cakephp.jp/decorate.ziphttp://cakeforge.org/projects/decorate/copy it to cake/scripts
(2)Set your DB-table
(3)Start baking [decorating] by using Windows Command Prompt.
prompt> your_php_path\php.exe path\decorate.php
(4)Script will bake all the files for you.
http://localhost/cake/TABLENAME(6)CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) features
(7)CakePHP can handle "table associations"!
(8)Complex Sorting feature
(9)Filtering(Search) feature
(10)You can make your own "template" design files. or you can download from
http://cakephp.seesaa.net/article/20355864.htmlIf you just drop your template file to "layout", it will be...
(11)If you want "login" feature, CakePHP has already various types of authentification.
http://manual.cakephp.org/appendix/simple_user_author if you just need only one username and password, you can download sd_auth from
http://cakeforge.org/snippet/detail.php?type=package&id=20just "drop" the sd_auth file to app/controllers/components, and thtml desing file to app/view/layouts/. then,
Add following lines to app_controller.php(Copy from /cake to /app).
class AppController extends Controller {
var $components = array('SdAuth');
function beforeFilter()
// Auth Check.
if($this->SdAuth->isloggedin() == FALSE){
$this->layout = "login";
} else {
$this->layout = "default";
posted by SDozono at 05:43| 東京 ☁|
CakePHP Tips