Thanks for
the simple authentication component you developed. It's
perfect for a number of scenarios. I'm new to MVC and to CakePHP.
Is there a way to limit the beforeFilter() Auth Check to the /admin
path? I'm attempting to use CAKE_ADMIN. Also, what is the best way
to implement the logout method?
Dear S.S.
Thank you for you e-mail.
So far, I haven't tested how to limit the beforeFilter() Auth Check.
But I had thought a same thing. I'm definitely sure we need that kind of technique too.
Your idea sounds a right direction to go.
As for a logout method, I have 'users' table, so
= Model =============================
class UsersController extends AppController
function logout(){
= View ===============================
<a href="/cake(path of cake)/users/logout">logout</a>
But I'm not sure if this is the best. Tell us your experiment!
Hey, thanks for the tip! That works great. I think I found a workaround to protect /admin:
change the function in app_controller.php to this:
function adminAuth()
// Auth Check.
if($this->SdAuth->isloggedin() == FALSE){
$this->layout = "admin_login";
} else {
$this->layout = "admin";
notice it is now called "adminAuth()" instead of "beforeFilter()".
Then, in my other controllers, in any method for CAKE_ADMIN I add a call to that function before doing anything:
// This is in pages_controller
function admin_index()
I think I could have also gotten your original method to work using a sub-domain for the admin panel like: